Chrys Phillips

This is the Author of Magicwarsbooks Chrys Philips  

Hmm…writing a bio of myself, where do I start?
I guess when I was a child I always wrote stories and little plays. I love the fun and thrill of inventing characters that breathe on each page. My published book series in the YA/teen urban fantasy genre is the Magic Wars Book Series. I also write for other genres and am completing a screen play! I surfed the waves in Australia’s lovely beaches and growing up as a teen shopped in the coolest fashion places too! My passion for writing is a part of who I am! I am a playwright and published author.  

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She also wrote a new book: Never Say Cant books 

You can see her interview on this  ISF page:

Also view the site of never say can’t books to read more about this book:


I have had exclusive interview with best selling author Chrys Phillips. She has given me her time to answer my interview questions as a epic fan of her series and of books in this genre. 

Q- I have heard rumors and seen on your web that the books are hitting Hollywood with screen releases, is that true, a TV Series?

A- Yes, the TV adaption has been written by me with collaboration with an Emmy screen writer too. It is currently in pre production of TV executives and there also the option for a movies series of eight books.

Q- How long have you been a writer?

A- Over 20 years i have worked in writing industry from journalism editorials to theater to my published books and also screen writing. 

Q-   What directors in the movie industry do you inspire too? 

A- I must say Martin Scorsese

Q- What authors inspired you when you were young in school?

A - I read Enid Blyton books, anyone i could get my hands on, she is fabulous children's fiction stories and many. Also Bronte, D.H Lawrence, Shakespeare,Austin & Robert Louise Stevenson , I guess the classics. 

Q- You also have other than Magic Wars book series another series called Never Say Can't, what is that about? 

A- That series is teen motivation/inspirational series that also cover the conversation issues of our rain forests, the Ian Somerhalder Foundation has interviewed me and copies for giveaways.

Q-How much do you write? 

A- I am always writing from books to screenplays to my theater productions, its my passion.

Q- Is it true Zenmore bad boys brothers have more focus in the books that their introduction in first book? 

A- Oh Yes!  The first book like any other published book set the premise of who is who and whats coming, although Revengeful Heart has much action too! Zenmore immortal brothers are in every book in series.

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